@@@@@@@@@ CONTENTS @@@@@@@@@
@ 1. Key pad defines
@ 2. Display
@ 3. Sprites
@ 4. Background
@ 5. Sound
@ 6. DMA
@ 7. Interrupts
@ 8. BIOS Functions
@@@@@@@@@ 1. KEY PAD DEFINES @@@@@@@@@
KEY_A = 1
KEY_B = 2
KEY_UP = 64
KEY_DOWN = 128
KEY_R = 256
KEY_L = 512
KEYS = 0x04000130
KEYS_HIGH = 0x04000000
KEYS_LOW = 0x00000130
@@@@@@@@@ 2. Display @@@@@@@@@
@ Tile modes
MODE_0 = 0x00 @ All 4 BG layers available, but no rotation/scaling
MODE_1 = 0x01 @ 3 BG layers (0-2), BG2 can rotate/scale
MODE_2 = 0x02 @ 2 BG layers (2-3), both can scale/rotate
@ Bitmap modes : BG2 only
MODE_3 = 0x03 @ 16 bit color bitmap, cuts into available sprite data area
MODE_4 = 0x04 @ Like Mode 3, but with 8-bit references (and palette)
MODE_5 = 0x05 @ 16 bit color bitmap, with backbuffer. Screen limited to 160x128
H_BLANK_OAM = 0x020
OBJ_MAP_2D = 0x000
OBJ_MAP_1D = 0x040
BG0_ENABLE = 0x0100
BG1_ENABLE = 0x0200
BG2_ENABLE = 0x0400
BG3_ENABLE = 0x0800
OBJ_ENABLE = 0x01000 @ = SPRITES_ENABLE: enable sprites
WIN1_ENABLE = 0x02000
WIN2_ENABLE = 0x04000
VRAM = 0x06000000
VPAL = 0x05000000
REG_DISPCNT = 0x04000000 @
REG_VCOUNT = 0x04000006
@@@@@@@@@ 3. SPRITES @@@@@@@@@
@*** Attribute 0 ***
@ F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
@ S S A M T T D R J J J J J J J J
@ 0-7 (J) = Y coordinate of the sprite (pixels)
@ 8 (R) = Rotation/Scaling on/off
@ 9 (D) = 0 - sprite is single sized;
@ 1 - sprite is virtually double sized
@ A-B (T) = 00 - normal
@ 01 - semi-transparent
@ 10 - obj window
@ C (M) = enables mosaic for this sprite.
@ D (A) = 256 color if on, 16 color if off
@ E-F (S) = Size, MSB in attribute 0, LSB in attribute 1
@ Byte 1 = Y coordinate of the sprite, in pixels
@ Byte 2
MOSAIC = 0x1000
COLOR_16 = 0x0000
COLOR_256 = 0x2000
SIZE_8 = 0x0000 @ Only valid for SQUARE
SIZE_16 = 0x4000
SIZE_32 = 0x8000
SIZE_64 = 0xC000
@*** Atribute 1 ***
@ FEDC BA98 7654 3210
@ SSVH XXXI IIII IIII (standard sprites)
@ SSFF FFFI IIII IIII (rotation/scaling on)
@ 0-8 (I) = X coordinate of the sprite (pixels)
@ C (H) = flip horizinal bit
@ D (V) = flip vertical bit
@ 9-D (F) = rotation index (0-31). rotation/scaling data in OAM attribute 3
@ E-F (S) = Size of the sprite (LSB)
@ 4-bit value which sets the size of the sprite in the following way:
@ 00 00: 8 x 8 10 00: 8 x 16
@ 00 01: 16 x 16 10 01: 8 x 32
@ 00 10: 32 x 32 10 10: 16 x 32
@ 00 11: 64 x 64 10 11: 32 x 64
@ 01 00: 16 x 8 11 00: Not used
@ 01 01: 32 x 8 11 01: Not used
@ 01 10: 32 x 16 11 10: Not used
@ 01 11: 64 x 32 11 11: Not used
@ Byte 3+1 bit = X coordinate of the sprite, in pixels (9-bit value)
@ Byte 4
SQUARE = 0x0000
WIDE = 0x4000
TALL = 0x8000
OAM = 0x07000000
OBJPAL = 0x5000200
CHARMEM = 0x6010000 @ SPRITE MEM
@@@@@@@@@ 4. Background @@@@@@@@@
@ These four addresses handle the BG layers
REG_BG0CNT = 0x4000008
REG_BG1CNT = 0x400000A
REG_BG2CNT = 0x400000C
REG_BG3CNT = 0x400000E
REG_BG0HOFS = 0x4000010 @ Horizontal offset
REG_BG0VOFS = 0x4000012 @ Vertical offset
REG_BG1HOFS = 0x4000014
REG_BG1VOFS = 0x4000016
REG_BG2HOFS = 0x4000018
REG_BG2VOFS = 0x400001A
REG_BG3HOFS = 0x400001C
REG_BG3VOFS = 0x400001E
REG_BG2PA = 0x4000020
REG_BG2PB = 0x4000022
REG_BG2PC = 0x4000024
REG_BG2PD = 0x4000026
REG_BG2X = 0x4000028
REG_BG2X_L = 0x4000028
REG_BG2X_H = 0x400002A
REG_BG2Y = 0x400002C
REG_BG2Y_L = 0x400002C
REG_BG2Y_H = 0x400002E
REG_BG3PA = 0x4000030
REG_BG3PB = 0x4000032
REG_BG3PC = 0x4000034
REG_BG3PD = 0x4000036
REG_BG3X = 0x4000038
REG_BG3X_L = 0x4000038
REG_BG3X_H = 0x400003A
REG_BG3Y = 0x400003C
REG_BG3Y_L = 0x400003C
REG_BG3Y_H = 0x400003E
BG_COLOR_16 = 0x0
BG_COLOR_256 = 0x80
TEXTBG_SIZE_256x256 = 0x0 @ 16x16 8*8 for text backgrounds
TEXTBG_SIZE_512x256 = 0x4000 @ 64x32
TEXTBG_SIZE_256x512 = 0x8000 @ 32x64
TEXTBG_SIZE_512x512 = 0xC000 @ 64x64
ROTBG_SIZE_128x128 = 0x0 @ 16x16 8*8 tiles for rotational backgrounds
ROTBG_SIZE_256x256 = 0x4000 @ 32x32 tiles
ROTBG_SIZE_512x512 = 0x8000 @ 64x64 tiles
ROTBG_SIZE_1024x1024 = 0xC000 @ 128x128 tiles
CHAR_SHIFT = 2 @ Used to shift the number over to the right place in REG_BGxCNT
@ Defines for all 32 screen (map data) blocks and 4 character (bitmap data) blocks
@ Some of this might not be correct
CHAR_BLOCK_0 = 0x6000000
CHAR_BLOCK_1 = 0x6004000
CHAR_BLOCK_2 = 0x6008000
CHAR_BLOCK_3 = 0x600C000
SCREEN_BLOCK_0 = 0x6000000
SCREEN_BLOCK_1 = 0x6000800
SCREEN_BLOCK_2 = 0x6001000
SCREEN_BLOCK_3 = 0x6001800
SCREEN_BLOCK_4 = 0x6002000
SCREEN_BLOCK_5 = 0x6002800
SCREEN_BLOCK_6 = 0x6003000
SCREEN_BLOCK_7 = 0x6003800
SCREEN_BLOCK_8 = 0x6004000
SCREEN_BLOCK_9 = 0x6004800
SCREEN_BLOCK_10 = 0x6005000
SCREEN_BLOCK_11 = 0x6005800
SCREEN_BLOCK_12 = 0x6006000
SCREEN_BLOCK_13 = 0x6006800
SCREEN_BLOCK_14 = 0x6007000
SCREEN_BLOCK_15 = 0x6007800
SCREEN_BLOCK_16 = 0x6008000
SCREEN_BLOCK_17 = 0x6008800
SCREEN_BLOCK_18 = 0x6009000
SCREEN_BLOCK_19 = 0x6009800
SCREEN_BLOCK_20 = 0x600A000
SCREEN_BLOCK_21 = 0x600A800
SCREEN_BLOCK_22 = 0x600B000
SCREEN_BLOCK_23 = 0x600B800
SCREEN_BLOCK_24 = 0x600C000
SCREEN_BLOCK_25 = 0x600C800
SCREEN_BLOCK_26 = 0x600D000
SCREEN_BLOCK_27 = 0x600D800
SCREEN_BLOCK_28 = 0x600E000
SCREEN_BLOCK_29 = 0x600E800
SCREEN_BLOCK_30 = 0x600F000
SCREEN_BLOCK_31 = 0x600F800
@@@@@@@@@ 5. Sound @@@@@@@@@
@ To turn sound on:
@ ldr r1,=REG_SOUNDCNT_X
@ ldr r0,=0x0081
@ str r0,[r1]
REG_SOUND1CNT_L = 0x04000060 @ Sound 1 Sweep control
REG_SOUND1CNT_H = 0x04000062 @ Sound 1 Length, wave duty and envelope control
REG_SOUND1CNT_X = 0x04000064 @ Sound 1 Frequency, reset and loop control
REG_SOUND2CNT_L = 0x04000068 @ Sound 2 Length, wave duty and envelope control
REG_SOUND2CNT_H = 0x0400006C @ Sound 2 Frequency, reset and loop control
REG_SOUND3CNT_L = 0x04000070 @ Sound 3 Enable and wave ram bank control
REG_SOUND3CNT_H = 0x04000072 @ Sound 3 Sound Length and output level control
REG_SOUND3CNT_X = 0x04000074 @ Sound 3 Frequency, reset and loop control
REG_SOUND4CNT_L = 0x04000078 @ Sound 4 Length, output level and envelope control
REG_SOUND4CNT_H = 0x0400007C @ Sound 4 Noise parameters, reset and loop control
REG_SOUNDCNT_L = 0x04000080 @ Sound 1-4 Output level and Stereo control
REG_SOUNDCNT_H = 0x04000082 @ Direct Sound control and Sound 1-4 output ratio
REG_SOUNDCNT_X = 0x04000084 @ Master sound enable and Sound 1-4 play status
REG_SOUNDBIAS = 0x04000088 @ Sound bias and Amplitude resolution control
REG_WAVE_RAM0_L = 0x04000090 @ Sound 3 samples 0-3
REG_WAVE_RAM0_H = 0x04000092 @ Sound 3 samples 4-7
REG_WAVE_RAM1_L = 0x04000094 @ Sound 3 samples 8-11
REG_WAVE_RAM1_H = 0x04000096 @ Sound 3 samples 12-15
REG_WAVE_RAM2_L = 0x04000098 @ Sound 3 samples 16-19
REG_WAVE_RAM2_H = 0x0400009A @ Sound 3 samples 20-23
REG_WAVE_RAM3_L = 0x0400009C @ Sound 3 samples 23-27
REG_WAVE_RAM3_H = 0x0400009E @ Sound 3 samples 28-31
REG_FIFO_A_L = 0x040000A0 @ Direct Sound channel A samples 0-1
REG_FIFO_A_H = 0x040000A2 @ Direct Sound channel A samples 2-3
REG_FIFO_B_L = 0x040000A4 @ Direct Sound channel B samples 0-1
REG_FIFO_B_H = 0x040000A6 @ Direct Sound channel B samples 2-3
@@@@@@@@@ 6. DMA @@@@@@@@@
DMA_ENABLE = 0x80000000
DMA_16 = 0x00000000
DMA_32 = 0x04000000
DMA_REPEAT = 0x02000000
DMA_SOURCE_FIXED = 0x01000000
DMA_DEST_FIXED = 0x00400000
DMA_DEST_RELOAD = 0x00600000
@ register defines, ripped from GBA.h from DevKitAdvanced
REG_DMA0SAD = 0x40000B0
REG_DMA0SAD_L = 0x40000B0
REG_DMA0SAD_H = 0x40000B2
REG_DMA0DAD = 0x40000B4
REG_DMA0DAD_L = 0x40000B4
REG_DMA0DAD_H = 0x40000B6
REG_DMA0CNT = 0x40000B8
REG_DMA0CNT_L = 0x40000B8
REG_DMA0CNT_H = 0x40000BA
REG_DMA1SAD = 0x40000BC
REG_DMA1SAD_L = 0x40000BC
REG_DMA1SAD_H = 0x40000BE
REG_DMA1DAD = 0x40000C0
REG_DMA1DAD_L = 0x40000C0
REG_DMA1DAD_H = 0x40000C2
REG_DMA1CNT = 0x40000C4
REG_DMA1CNT_L = 0x40000C4
REG_DMA1CNT_H = 0x40000C6
REG_DMA2SAD = 0x40000C8
REG_DMA2SAD_L = 0x40000C8
REG_DMA2SAD_H = 0x40000CA
REG_DMA2DAD = 0x40000CC
REG_DMA2DAD_L = 0x40000CC
REG_DMA2DAD_H = 0x40000CE
REG_DMA2CNT = 0x40000D0
REG_DMA2CNT_L = 0x40000D0
REG_DMA2CNT_H = 0x40000D2
REG_DMA3SAD = 0x40000D4
REG_DMA3SAD_L = 0x40000D4
REG_DMA3SAD_H = 0x40000D6
REG_DMA3DAD = 0x40000D8
REG_DMA3DAD_L = 0x40000D8
REG_DMA3DAD_H = 0x40000DA
REG_DMA3CNT = 0x40000DC
REG_DMA3CNT_L = 0x40000DC
REG_DMA3CNT_H = 0x40000DE
@ These defines group common options to save typing
@ You may notice that I don't have to include the option to increment the source and address register as that is the default.
DMA_32NOW = 0x84000000
DMA_16NOW = 0x80000000
@@@@@@@@@ 7. INTERRUPTS @@@@@@@@@
INT_VBLANK = 0x0001
INT_HBLANK = 0x0002
INT_VCOUNT = 0x0004 @ you can set the display to generate an interrupt when it reaches a particular line on the screen
INT_TIMER0 = 0x0008
INT_TIMER1 = 0x0010
INT_TIMER2 = 0x0020
INT_TIMER3 = 0x0040
INT_COMUNICATION = 0x0080 @ Serial communication interupt
INT_DMA0 = 0x0100
INT_DMA1 = 0x0200
INT_DMA2 = 0x0400
INT_DMA3 = 0x0800
INT_CART = 0x2000 @ The cart can actually generate an interupt
REG_IE = 0x4000200 @ Interrupt Enable Register
REG_IF = 0x4000202
REG_IME = 0x4000208 @ Interrupt Master Enable Register
@ bit 0 = Enable interupts (1)/Disable all interrupts (0)
@ if 1, it will look in REG_IE for interrupt type
REG_DISPSTAT = 0x4000004 @ Display Status:
STAT_VBLANK = 1 @ bit 0 = V Refresh (0 = VDraw, 1 = VBlank)
STAT_HBLANK = 2 @ bit 1 = H Refresh (0 = HDraw, 1 = HBlank)
@ bit 2 = VCount Triggered Status (1 = Y trigger interrupt occured)
STAT_VBLANK_IRQ = 8 @ bit 3 = Enables LCD VBlank IRQ
STAT_HBLANK_IRQ = 16 @ bit 4 = Enables LCD HBlank IRQ
@ bit 5 = Enables VCount trigger
@ bit 8-F = VCount line trigger: Vcount value you wish to trigger an interrupt
@@@@@@@@@ 8. BIOS FUNCTIONS @@@@@@@@@
SoftReset = 0x00
RegisterRamReset = 0x01
Halt = 0x02
Stop_Sleep = 0x03
IntrWait = 0x04
VBlankIntrWait = 0x05
Div = 0x06
DivArm = 0x07
Sqrt = 0x08
ArcTan = 0x09
ArcTan2 = 0x0A
CpuSet = 0x0B
CpuFastSet = 0x0C
GetBiosChecksum = 0x0D
BgAffineSet = 0x0E
ObjAffineSet = 0x0F
BitUnPack = 0x10
LZ77UnCompWram = 0x11
LZ77UnCompVram = 0x12
HuffUnComp = 0x13
RLUnCompWram = 0x14
RLUnCompVram = 0x15
Diff8bitUnFilterWram = 0x16
Diff8bitUnFilterVram = 0x17
Diff16bitUnFilter = 0x18
SoundBias = 0x19
SoundDriverInit = 0x1A
SoundDriverMode = 0x1B
SoundDriverMain = 0x1C
SoundDriverVSync = 0x1D
SoundChannelClear = 0x1E
MidiKey2Freq = 0x1F
SoundWhatever0 = 0x20
SoundWhatever1 = 0x21
SoundWhatever2 = 0x22
SoundWhatever3 = 0x23
SoundWhatever4 = 0x24
MultiBoot = 0x25
HardReset = 0x26
CustomHalt = 0x27
SoundDriverVSyncOff = 0x28
SoundDriverVSyncOn = 0x29
SoundGetJumpList = 0x2A